During my first visit to The Ranch, a friend of mine was set on fire. Naturally I wanted to be next. Between the time I finished Kahana's Stunt School last May and the beginning of October, I saved as much money as I could. A few weeks before the class was scheduled to start in September, I called Mr. Kahana and asked if he would set me on fire too. I couldn't afford to take another month off so we planned to do it during the last week of the course. I had a pretty good idea of what to expect and Mr. Kahana goes pretty over board with safety so I wasn't too nervous. We set up the fire gag as we might in a movie; an explosion is what lit me! The only thing I was scared of was messing up my timing and either jumping the gun or waiting too long and not making it seem too realistic. I was also a little nervous about my acting since I've never been on fire before. In the end everything went better than I hoped. I wanted to not look like an idiot in front of my teacher and he told me that it was the longest fire gag he'd done at the school. I felt pretty good about myself. The video below is just raw footage from one of the six cameras that were rolling so I'm out of frame a couple times. A very great editor named Douglas Darlington will be putting together something soon that I will be featuring in my "About Doug" section as soon as it's finished.
If you're wondering why "Bobby Ore's Beginning Driving" was crossed out, it's because due to circumstances outside of their control, the class was cancelled. I transferred to their December class, so check back then for how that goes.
Copyright (c) 2005 Douglas Carley. All rights reserved. |