I've been told that I look like Michael J. Fox,
Tom Cruise, David Spade, James Dean, Christian Bale, and Kevin Bacon. What do you think?
(click the images to follow a link to larger versions)

This is the most male model-like picture that came from my session at Star Studios in Las Vegas. I've been told that it may make someone want to buy some underwear (even though I'm fully clothed - I didn't quite get it either, but took it as a compliment). |
The general feel that people get from this one is Italian mobster. One person even told me that it looks like I'm about to kick someone in the [groin]. I think it's pretty intense, but that's what you can get when you hire Doug; you can also get dull -
your choice.


This was especially fun to do. I'd never really played with ropes all that much and it took a few minutes to get used to. At the end I was hanging in a bunch of cool poses. It makes me want to learn some Cirque du Soleil stuff.
One of the first pictures I used on my original composite. Thanks to Mr. Kahana for the time, outfit, and nasty beard.


This was the second most fun picture to take during my session at Star Studios. Look at those teeth!
Thank you Edyta and Steve!
Getting my picture taken always feels wierd. I get the idea that you can feel the scream in the photo, but knowing no one will actually hear it made shouting in the studio uncomfortable.


Look at that kick. The flexability! The emotion! Now imagine that same kick removing the head of a mutated 10 foot marmoset who has been terrorizing a tiny village in Tuvalu. Sounds perfect for your next movie, yeah?
One of the many things Mr. Kahana teaches. This is a freefall and it feels just like it sounds. You just fall until the rope catches you and you swing forward. A mite disorienting the first time you try it.


I put this together for an event call Guard Games at work. The horns didn't work out as perfectly as I would have liked and I had spirit gum on my head for about a fortnight, but it was worth it to get this gem.
This was taken from the raw footage of my first stunt. Thank you Matt Jones for the opportunity and thank you Mr. Kahana for supplying the explosive. This originally was going to be a more complicated stunt but we'd [messed] up the house enough.


I tried to do my own pictures so as to save money. If you follow the link you'll see the trial headshots I took (hence the page title "The Trials of Doug").They turned out okay but I felt like I needed something more professional. It ended up being worth it.
This is a picture from my first fire gag (follow the link for a bit of a photojournal). Thank you Mr. Kahana for helping me do this. Also, thank you Doug Darlington for filming it and thank you to the wonderful people that put me out. The fire gag itself can be seen in So You Want To Be a Stuntman.
