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There are 22 pictures in all.  Please be patience as they load.  You'll be glad you did; they're pretty awesome.


The clothes I'm putting on are what keep me from smelling even more delicious (cooked).   I included this one because I think I look cool; like a firefighter. Here I am all bundled up.  There are 4 layers: nomex underwear, nomex racing suit, fire suit, and clothing to burn. And then comes the fire gel soaked hood, a hat to camouflage the hood, and some extra gel to be lovingly rubbed on by a friend. To light me up, a combination of gas and contact cement was painted on by Mr. Kahana.   What set me on fire was an explosion!  How cool is that?  Here it looks like I just had a lot of beans for lunch.  Amie L. Thomson is an awesome photographer. A second later:  OOOOOOOO! I'm on fire!!! Part one of the scene,  I fall down.  There is so much fire..  It almost doesn't seem real when I think back on it. The flames were so hot anyone near me at all had to turn away.   I had to do a little bit of acting.  I call this brilliant piece of work "writhing in pain".   This is my favorite shot.  Great balls of fire! This one is great because you can see my face.  I didn't realize the mask had come off my face a little bit. This one looks like I'm melting.  By this time, people were starting to yell at me to lay down. And so I did.  I was told that most of the other students only stayed lit for 15-20 seconds, but I was on fire for about a minute.  I was also told that it was the best onethey had ever done.  True?  I don't know, but it was definitely a big ego boost and I was beeming for quite some time afterwards.  

Thank you Mr. Kahana, Matt "old man" Jones, Mike "smiley" Katen, and Josh "army boy" Bauman for being on the ball with the fire extinguishers.  And just an FYI, whatever is in there tastes really gross...

When it was over, I was realived to get the hot clothes off me.  The baby powder made me feel better, but I think it was just a placebo.   The end.      




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